We believe that when we pray, God hears us. The Bible shows many examples of Jesus Himself taking time for prayer, and we follow His example by meeting together to pray for the needs of our Church Family, community and world.
Everyone is welcome to come for prayer. Can't make it every Wednesday? Are you working during the day? That's okay! Come when you can and bring your lunch if you need to. We look forward to seeing you there.
Everyone is welcome to come for prayer. Can't make it every Wednesday? Are you working during the day? That's okay! Come when you can and bring your lunch if you need to. We look forward to seeing you there.
If you need prayer, please fill out the form below. We consider it a privilege to pray for you. No matter the issue or circumstance, we believe God is bigger and will answer our prayers! All requests sent to our prayer team are confidential and will remain on our prayer list for two weeks unless re-requested or updates are sent.